Research and Writing

In this blog, I will answer questions on two types of research, a paraphrasing activity and discuss CIS. This blog is a thinking activity assigned by Prakruti Ma’am. 

1. In your opinion, should research always strive to achieve something new and creative or is it ok to pursue an existing direction and arrive at newer understanding of the same? In which one of these two categories would you classify the topic that you have chosen for your dissertation? 

I believe that both of these type of research are essential. A research that strives to achieve something new and creative would lead to ground breaking discoveries. On the other hand, revisiting existing research with new tools and perspective can lead to a deeper understanding. These re-evaluations are crucial in a field like literature. 

My dissertation topic is about comparing myths across the world. Although I do strive to unveil something new with this research, I would classify this as the second type of research because I am pursuing an existing direction. My work will be building on the foundation of prior works. 

2. Ask a chatbot of your choice to paraphrase the following passage. Check the paraphrase it gives you by answering the questions attached below the paragraph.

Original Paragraph - 

"There is little to be gained from seeking to isolate any artistic form or movement from its antecedents and counterparts. Myopia is the product of critical segregation, wherein readers disengage practices from those contexts that have forged their contours. This might seem obvious, but there is value in rearticulating the axiomatic in times of transformation--when something "new" emerges, many of us fall into the trap of isolating our darlings, whether old or young, from all those other contexts that play a significant role in their construction. How does one look at electronic literature without considering the literary, the ludic, that which we can see, touch, and hear---how does one look critically at anything without such frames of reference, and how do we overcome natural limitations in capacity when attempting to do so? The best we can do is look to those who have gone before, build upon their foundation, and indeed, emphasize those aspects of an exploration we deem worthy of greater emphasis." (Sullivan)

Paraphrase by Chat GPT - 

It is unproductive to attempt to separate any artistic form or movement from its predecessors and related contexts. Such critical isolation often leads to a narrow perspective, where practices are removed from the influences that have shaped them. While this may seem self-evident, it is important to restate foundational principles during periods of change—particularly when something “new” arises, as we often isolate our preferred ideas or creations, whether established or emerging, from the broader contexts that contribute to their development. For instance, how can we examine electronic literature without acknowledging its connections to traditional literature, play, and sensory experiences? How can we critically analyze anything without these contextual frames, and how do we address the inherent challenges in doing so? The most effective approach is to learn from those who came before us, build on their work, and highlight the elements we consider most significant for further exploration.

After receiving the bot's response, answer the following questions:

1) Is the paraphrase approximately the same length as the original passage?

Yes the paraphrased passage provided by Chat GPT is almost the same length as the original passage. 

2) Has any part of the passage been copied word for word?

No, there isn’t any part that has been copied entirely. The wording has been altered. Take the following lines for example. 

Original passage - How does one look at electronic literature without considering the literary, the ludic, that which we can see, touch, and hear” 

These are paraphrased like this - “how can we examine electronic literature without acknowledging its connections to traditional literature, play, and sensory experiences?”

The words are changed but the meaning remains the same. 

3) Does the paraphrase have the same meaning as the passage?

Yes. The words have changed but the meaning remains the same. 

3. What is the full form of CIS? Discuss some of the types of searches which can be employed to search for sources in a library equipped with CIS.

The full form of CIS is as follows - 

C - Central  

I - Information 

S - System

It refers to a library management system or software that allows users to search for library resources efficiently using digital means. Normally, it includes the library’s catalogue of holdings, bibliographic databases, and other electronic resources. 

Some types of searches which can be employed are as follows - 

Title Search: If the user knows the exact title of a resource, they can input it into the system to locate it quickly. Partial titles can also be used with wildcard characters.

Author Search: Users can search for books, articles, or other resources by entering the name of an author. It is beneficial for those looking for works by a particular writer or researcher. 

Subject Search: This type of search focuses on a specific subject or topic. Users can enter predefined subject terms or categories to find all resources classified under that subject. 

Boolean Search: Using Boolean operators like AND, OR, and NOT, users can refine their searches. For example, “colonialism AND literature” will find sources that include both terms. 

Bibliographic Search: Users can search using specific bibliographic information such as ISBN, ISSN, or call numbers.

Words - 918

Images - 3

References - 

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th Edition. American Greetings, 2009.
