Rediscovering Love 🏸

In India, 29 August is celebrated as National Sports Day, as it is the birth anniversary of renowned Hockey player, Major Dhyan Chand. Today the students of the Department of English (MKBU), celebrated Sports Day. In this blog I’ll share my experience of this event.

As a group we played the game of Cricket. I know nothing about it. I don’t even remember the last time I played it. I personally felt embarrassed in front of my peers, some of whom are very skilled in this game. I would like to take this opportunity to tell them that I deeply admire their skill. A few students also brought their own sports equipment. Squash, Tennis and other games were played by them. 

Today, after almost 7 years, I played Badminton again. Somewhere between poetry and books, I had forgotten the joy of playing badminton. While playing a brief game I rediscovered my love for this particular sport. I always considered myself a more creative person. If given an option, I would rather stay at home and read then go outside and play something. Today I found out that this generalization is wrong. Somewhere, unknowingly, I created a mental cage for myself. After many years I was again reminded that there is a sport that I enjoy. 

I am so thankful to all my seniors, who organized this event. I know it was not what you planned but because of this I got to meet my hidden hobby again. From today onwards, I plan to play Badminton after college and stay connected to this interest as well.


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