June 21, 2024

Yoga Day 2024 celebration

On 21st June 2024, we the students Department of English MKBU celebrated 10th International Yoga Day. In this blog, I will share my experience of this event. 

Prior to the Yoga Day, a 5-6 days practice sessions were organised to familiarise the students with various Yoga postures. These preparatory sessions were an essential intervention in that they ensured that the people were quite comfortable and at ease with the main event.

On 21st June, we gathered at the department at 7 in the morning. The sessions started at 7:15 with a prayer, followed by the various exercises, Pranayams, Surya Namaskar and meditation. Riya Bhatt graciously hosted the event. Dhatri Parmar and Pallavi Parmar were the instructors of the day.

At the end of the session, Dilip Barad Sir explained in detail to us the various benefits of including Yoga in our daily lives. He showed us also Sirsasana, which told us about the high level of practice one can attain through dedication. 

I got the opportunity to give feedback. I mentioned the well-coordinated planning and organisation of the event, successfully done by my classmates. It was a rejuvenating session of Yoga and exercise, that motivated the participants to do Yoga daily. 

Yashraj Sodha also gave feedback and Dhatri Parmar gave a vote of thanks. 

The theme of this year’s Yoga Day was “Yoga for Self and Society”. This theme helps in reminding us of the benefits of yoga and how it impacts a person. But it also suggests that keeping ourselves healthy is a service to society as well. If we are in a good shape, we can better contribute to the society. Moreover, our illness can become inconvenience to many. Hence, we must try to keep ourselves fit by various exercises and Yoga.  Celebrating International Yoga Day was a motivating experience that further convinced the holistic benefits of Yoga in life. It was a day of wellness, and learning, remaining indelible for all who participated in its celebrations.

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