September 29, 2021

The gentle bard!

 The gentle bard!

The gentle bard from far away town, 

Blew into my street like west wind, 

With songs of love and kindness, 

Merrier than I imagined. 

For days after he left,

His word kept lingering in the air,

Charming were his tales,

Jewels like him are truly rare.

Were I nobility or something of importance,

I wouldn’t have to suffer and yearn,

I would have listened to him for hours,

Not helplessly wait for his return. 

But Alas, life is found to be such,

He may find it fit to return one day, 

I might or might not be here that dawn,

Who saw future, who’s to say?

Hello everyone! Today I’m presenting a poem that I recently wrote. The gentle bard is situated in a time where bards were great form of attraction. The narrator is a poor woman, who wishes to meet her bard again. I hope you enjoy it.


  1. You are really a creative soul. I appreciate your writing Bhumiba. Keep it dear. And I really like this poem

  2. Very Good, Keep Blogging Dear.. A great platform to share your creative works as well as your emotions.

  3. Bhumu you are very inspiring person, I really appreciate you ☺ I always get positive vibe from u 😊😊 and most importantly I'm proud of you πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ‘ My bestie is amazing sarangee!!!

  4. Bhubhu so nicely written ....πŸ€©πŸ‘and I'm already missing your short Stories ,
    Which u were used to right in school days ...😻


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